On Becoming a Doctor 1 post

On Becoming a Doctor by Tania Heller, is an informational book about, things you need to do to become a doctor or enter in a medical field. The book has three sections. The first section is the  Prologue, the next is Interviews with Specialists, and the last section is Review and Resources.
In the first few chapters of section one I learned that many people are inspired to become a doctor is family members in the doctor field or wanting to make a difference in people's lives and helping them get better. I found this interesting because my mom is in the medical field and she works in a lab so maybe that is what interested me into learning more about becoming a doctor I also learned that in order to enter a medical school you will need to have a Bachelor's Degree, one hundred two hours of course credits, and take a test called MCAT (Medical College Admission Test.) Later on in the book I found out that medical school can cost around $40,000 per year.
In the last chapter of the section it talks about the future of medicine. I thought this chapter was interesting because It talked about advancements in genetics and how one day we will be able to look at a person's DNA and replicate it or change it. I thought is was interesting because if you have a genetic disease future medicine will be able to change the fate of you having that disease. Yet to this day we are still trying to find cures for many illnesses and diseases. This chapter made me think that and one day we will find a cure and help more people.

Citation- Heller, Tania. On Becoming a Doctor: Everything You Need to Know about Medical School, Residency, Specialization, and Practice. Sourcebooks, 2009


  1. Yes, genetics are changing the world. Researchers are needed to help with these goals and other science advancements..

  2. I think you done really good with your blog. Although I have a question about paragraph 2 sentence 1, did you mean to put is? You stated " I learned that many people are inspired to become a doctor is family members in the doctor field...", I am sort of confused by this sentence in your blog. Other than that i think you done really good with your spelling and your information. You used the main points in your book and it was really easy to understand. The way you explained everything clearly was a really nice way to right this blog. I really like your blog and the way you set it up.


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