On Becoming a Doctor 2 Post

On Becoming a Doctor by Tania Heller, is an informational book about, things you need to do to become a doctor or enter in a medical field. The book has three sections. The first section is the  Prologue, the next is Interviews with Specialists, and the last section is Review and Resources.
In Section two Interviews with Specialist, was the most interesting section from the whole entire book. The section had interviews from the different kinds of specialties you can do if you want to pursue a doctor career. I found the Interviews with the Neonatologist, Geneticist, Dermatologist, Psychiatrist and the Pediatrician the most interesting ones.
I never knew that a physician who specializes in the care for newborns is called a Neonatologist. This Interview really connected to me because I enjoy working and playing with babies and it made me think back to when my brother was a baby. I also learned that a person who specializes in the field of genetics is called a Geneticist. This perked my interest because I never knew there was a field to study genetics. I learned more about Dermatologist and how they specialized in diseases and or disorders of the skin, some dermatologists say that it is like being a detective. I learned more about Psychiatrist and what they do in their jobs. I was interested because l want to work with kids who have Autism or Down Syndrome and Psychiatrist specialize in mental and emotional disorders. Learned more about Pediatrician. All this interested me the most because I've always loved working with kids and if I ever become a doctor, I would become a pediatrician.

Citation- Heller, Tania. On Becoming a Doctor: Everything You Need to Know about Medical School, Residency, Specialization, and Practice. Sourcebooks, 2009


  1. Nice personal connections. I sure enjoyed your sharing what you learned. It sounds like you know you'd enjoy a career with children.


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